What is culture? What if you were born in India or Zimbabwe or New Zealand? Well must probably you will speak another language, practice another religion and had a whole different way of behavior and diet, etc.
Me, I was lucky enough to be borne in a place of earth with the nicest weather, lots of different ecosystems, a great variety of flora and fauna, eleven thousand kilometers of coast with the most amazing beaches in the world... a place than now is considered Mexico, where we speak Spanish, worship Virgen de Guadalupe and eat hot spicy food... well, at least the majority of its residents.
I will talk you a little bit into our culture just in case you are interested, just as an useful tool for you when you visit or decide to live in our beautiful area of this world.
Arriba el Mariachi!!
Yes! you would know all lyrics, sing along and totally relate to Mariachi Music. The word comes from the french "marriage" it is basically a pretty cool mix of music, beats, and instruments from our ancestors the Aztecs, the Spaniards and the slaves from Africa, such a delicious synergy, right?
"Dos tacos Al Pastor por favor"
Well, what would Mexico be without the taco? It is the most representative food of our country and you really should know this: if you have had tacos abroad Mexico, well believe me you have not had the REAL TACO. If you were Mexican you would sure eat many of these delicatessen every week. And there are thousands of hundreds of different tacos, they change depending on the State, there are even blue tortillas from blue corn (my favorite), but here are the most traditional ones:
- Quesadilla - Cheese Taco
- Taco Al Pastor - Pork marinated Taco
- Taco de Asada - Beef Taco
- Taco de Carnitas - Pork Taco
- Taco de Pescado - Fish Taco
- Taco de Camarón - Shrimp Taco
French do 2, we do 1
Yes, you probably will have more human contact than what you do now. When we encounter someone we know, we greet with one kiss on the cheek, well more like a touching cheeks. Some people may find this too personal, or invasive... if you really just want to keep your distance, a hand shake would do just fine! There are different levels of closeness, and yes I consider myself one of the ones that not only do the cheek but also a little hug, if I love you, like you, care about you, I will definitely give you a kiss a hug and a big smile, just because that is me.
Mexican Time
Well, if they said meet you at 8, you must probably would appear at 9:45. It is a little bit shameful, but it is the true in most cases. Why would not take time seriously, why we are not slaves of the clock? I do not know. Sometimes I get frustrated when I did everything to get to a place on time, and they keep me waiting for 40 minutes or more, not nice, I know! Sorry if you have to experience anything like this, believe me we are working on it. Have I forgotten appointments? Yes, and I have apologized. But have some faith, there are a lot of friends and family that are always on time everywhere, every time.
1, 2, 3 shots of Tequila
Are you feeling more and more Mexican by now? I bet you are ready for Tequila! Here, we drink it to celebrate, at bars, clubs, at home. We like it as a digestive, we mix it with soda, lemon, we cook with it, have tequila ice cream, tequila shrimps and tequila cake. Ancestral drink, part of our history and a great heritage to the world. You know every good story starts with "We were drinking tequila when..." So come to Cabo, to Guadalajara, Mexico City, Oaxaca... and drink up with your tequila shots!!
So I hope this gets you a little bit closer to understand us, don't try too hard, just accept us and love us. At the end, yes, we are all the same, we breath the same air, it does not matter which part of this planet you are right now, we all aim for acceptance, love, success, respect. We protect our loved ones we live and then we die. We take vacations, we make memories, we dream of the beach in our feet... So don't you wait for it, live now. Cabo is awaiting you with its sun, beaches, adventures and "Choyeros" (folkloric name for the ones borne in Baja)... lots of fun and peace, your hammock, your "margarita" and your book.
#Choyero #NoBadDays #Cabo #CaboforLife