sábado, 12 de julio de 2014

Fire Works

Last night I witnessed a display of Fireworks that I was really impressed and grateful to watch. They were so close to my terrace!! it was just the perfect frame. And no, sorry I could not take any picture, I did not wanted to miss any second to go and get the cell phone. They will stay in my memory. I was impressed, wonder... I had that "wow" expression in my face that I am sure my parents saw in me many times when I was a child.

That had me thinking about capacity of wonder... have you seen the sky today? When was the last time you smiled and said wow to something? Have you let yourself wonder after a song, a child, a piece of art, a sunset, or a video of a kitty playing ping pong?

Why is it that the older we get the less we get impressed, the less we let ourselves be surprised and be thankful of all those small things? I guess we are always in the pursue of the best, the most, the biggest, the one and only... and then it just gets like an addiction; once you have the best one, there will be another one that it is even better. And life passes by, and you are missing all the fun and the presents of THE PRESENT. We are in that race and never look around in the path; once you get to your destination, to your goal, what will you tell? which stories and adventures you want to share? oh! you missed that beautiful full moon because you were watching tv?, You thought you were not going to be amazed by the flight of the hummingbird and you decided to check your smartphone to see your inbox?
Yes, just a picture from Internet, remember I did not
get my cell phone for the last night display of Fireworks

This is just a little invitation to let yourself be wondered! Let yourself be surprised by the colors, the taste and the simple things, all those things that money can not buy, well yes, they must have payed a small fortune to enlighten our night...  (The reason why I enjoyed those fireworks is because there was a wedding in the restaurant in front of my building), but I was fortunate enough that I could watch them for free. So take the free coupons life has offered you everyday and really, really enjoy them! Smell, touch, observe and then come back with some reaction, do not hold it, do not act as if that smile did not move something inside you... smile back!

It does not matter if you have seen International Contests of Fireworks, you still can be amazed by the color and lights on the sky. All those colors were to express celebration and joy, well guess what? we all have something to celebrate: LIFE!

I remember the time I did my internship in this hotel in the middle of nowhere, near Costa Alegre Jalisco, this place was so simple, so far away from luxe and glory. They did not offer electricity, air conditioned, internet, business center or TV! It was only the beach, the lagoon, the rooms, the candles... no fashion, no pretentious dishes, just honest food. The owner told me that that kind of places are really appreciated when people have seen all the gold, the best of the best and the luxury... then, only then, they learn to value the simplicity and the magic of coming back to basics.

So lets safe some time and pennies, you do not need to go and reserve couple of nights in the most expensive hotel of Dubai to understand the beauty of that tree standing right in your front yard, enjoy everything today, not tomorrow! Make yourself and those around you a favor and be there, be in the only thing that is real, the present.

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