lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Las Mañanitas

Is it your Birthday? Feliz cumpleaños!!

Well, let me tell you the Mexican way, normally you would literally wake up the Birthday person with a special song, and there are many versions, but of course the one with Mariachi Band is our favorite. Here the lyrics and translation:

Estas son Las Mañanitas  (These are "Las Mañanitas")
que cantaba el Rey David )that David the King used to sing)
Hoy por ser día de tu santo (Today as it is your saint's day)
Te las cantamos a ti (We sing to you)

Despierta mi bien despierta (Wake up my dear, wake up)
Mira que ya amaneció (Behold the sunrise)
Ya los pajarillos cantan (And the birds are singing)
La luna ya se metió  (The moon is gone)

Que linda esta la mañana (What a beautiful morning)
En que vengo a saludarte. (This one that I have came to say hello)
Venimos todos con gusto (We have came with joy)
Y placer a felicitarte. (And placer to congratulate you)

El dia en que tu naciste (The day you were born)
Nacieron todas las flores (All the flowers born)
En la fila del bautismo (In the line of baptism)
Cantaron los ruiseñores (The nightingales sang)

Ya viene amaneciendo, (It is almost a new day)
Ya la luz del dia nos dió (We have the light of the day on us)
Levántate de mañana (Wake up in the morning)
Mira que ya amaneció (See how a new day has begun)

Translation of "Las Mañanitas" is the diminutive of "Mañanas", so it literally means Little Mornings.

The origin of this beautiful song is pretty much unknown, but has been for many generations a very sweet and joyful song for Mexicans. Here a link to one of my favorite versions of it "Las Mañanitas" by Alejandro Fernandez 

So sing along when you hear the song, the birthday person will appreciate it =)

#Caboforlife #Felizcumpleanos #HappyBirthday